Monday, July 9, 2012

Skin Tips for Summer

It’s summertime, and that means more outdoor activities and, unfortunately, more sunburns. I always tell my patients to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or greater and to stay protected in the sun; however, did you know that certain foods can also improve and protect your skin if you are burned? Two recent articles in Martha Stewart Magazine  and Whole Living  revealed numerous ways to reduce or prevent a sunburn.

One way to help rid of a burn or a sunspot is by watching your sugar intake. Consuming less sugar will help reduce the imbalance of skin discolorations and sunspots. Additionally, to reduce the chances of getting melanoma by 5 percent, drink two cups of coffee a day. Drinking caffeinated coffee can potentially help self-destruct precancerous cells in the body. Alongside coffee, caffeinated green tea is a recommended to drink before going out into the sun. Polyphenols, active compounds found in green tea, can help fight against UV radiation.

Eating your fruits and vegetables is another great way to fight sunburns or sunspots. Tomatoes, carrots and broccoli are healthy foods that can help reduce inflammation after a sunburn. Eating grapes and berries is another way to reduce inflammation. The skin on the grapes and berries contain a strong anti-inflammatory compound to help reduce sunspots and sunburns. Lastly, using herbs and spices in your food can help reduce inflammation and redness on the skin.

Give these tips a try and consult Dr. Miller and his knowledgeable staff with any additional questions you have to keep your summer skin at its healthiest!

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